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Monday, December 2, 2013

go off- to make a loud noise or to explode. My alarm clock went off at 7:00 a.m.
go over- to review. You should go over your homework before you give it to the teacher. Make sure there are no mistakes.
go on- to happen. What is going on in China right now?
go with- to match, to be similar to. My shirt and pants are both blue. They go with each other.
go out- (1) to stop working (machines or electrical things). The electricity went out last night. I couldn't see anything.
go out- (2) to be a part of a social activity. Every weekend I go out with my friends.
go along with- to agree with or follow. Tommy usually goes along with what I say. He trusts me.
go by- to pass. Three hours went by. Or I will go by that old house.

Check Your Understanding  -Choose the correct answer.

1. Lots of activities ________ in the city at night.

2. If you want to get to the supermarket, _________the old school and turn right.

3. Marty is a very good boy. He doesn't _________ the bad kids at school. He doesn't like what they do.

4. The bomb will ________ if you push the button.

5. One sock is red and the other is blue. They don't _________ each other.

6. John likes to ________ with his girlfriend on Saturday nights.

7. Before we make a presentation, we need to ________ this business plan to make sure everything is okay.

8. I hope my hair dryer doesn't _______. It sounds bad but I really need to use it.

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