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Saturday, December 7, 2013

Fall still has her mark with golden leaves chasing each other gleefully everywhere you look but Winter is anxiously waiting around the corner to make her entrance.  The chill is in the air, not quite, but it is there.  Alone with the hot cup of coffee is just enough to keep her content, her thought is betraying her once again.

She keeps telling herself not to miss him, not to think about him too much.  Alas, the heart has its own mind.  The more she wanted not to, the more she thinks of him.  He's half the world away and it is not possible for them to ever see each other again. But again, she's fighting a loosing battle. 

The rain started falling softly.  Every year when winter is approaching, she's missing him more and more, wishing that she could be with him simply by just closing her eyes.  She did just that, taking in the coffee aroma, remembering how they used to share this precious time together.  She keeps her eyes closed but gently, in the corner, a teardrop escapes and finds its freedom.

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