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Saturday, December 14, 2013

Important things to keep in mind when using nouns are which article to use and how to form the plural and how to form the possessive case.


Direct article - the
example: the house

Indirect article a / an

- if the first letter of the following word is pronounced like a consonant
example: a car, a university

an - if the first letter of the following word is pronounced like a vowel
example: an apple, an hour


general rule: singular form + s
example: a car - two cars
after s, ch, x, z the plural is formed by adding es
example: a box - two boxes
y after a consonant is changed to ie before the plural s
example: a city - two cities
But: y after a vowel is not changed
example: a boy - two boys
After o the plural is usually formed by adding es (this is not the case, however, with words used for electric gadgets and music: radio, video, disco)
example: a tomato - two tomatoes

Possessive Case of Nouns

adding 's of phrase
usually used for people usually used for things
Ronny's brother the name of the school

If there is a relation to people when using the possessive case with un-animated things, often the s is added instead of using an of phrase.

example: Germany's economy or the economy of Germany
When using the possessive case with a time, s is added.
example: a three weeks' holiday

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