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Wednesday, March 19, 2014

New tequila plant-based sweetener could be a healthier option for diabetics

A new sweetener made from the tequila plant could help reduce blood glucose levels in diabetics and contribute to weight loss in obese people.

A researcher has outlined the potential benefits of agavins, the natural sugar found in the agave plant, which is non-digestible and may act as a dietary fiber rather than a sugar that raises blood glucose.

The findings were presented at the 247th National Meeting of the American Chemical Society (ACS), the world's largest scientific society gathering, happening through Thursday, March 20 at the Dallas Convention Center and surrounding hotels. The meeting involves thousands of scientists and some 10,000 reports on new scientific advances and similar topics.

"We have found that since agavins reduce glucose levels and increase GLP-1, they also increase the amount of insulin," said Mercedes G. López, Ph.D. of the Centro de Investigación y de Estudios Avanzados, Biotechnology and Biochemistry Irapuato, Guanajuato, Mexico.

GLP-1 (glucagon-like peptide-1) is a hormone "that slows the stomach from emptying," which subsequently begins insulin production.

"This study represents the first attempt to evaluate agavins as sweeteners in spite of their lower sweetness compared to sugar,'" she said.

Lopez and her team analyzed a group of mice fed a standard diet and added agavins to their daily water. The mice were weighed every day and had their glucose blood levels checked weekly. The majority of the mice that drank agavins ate less, lost weight and had lower blood glucose levels compared to sweeteners such as glucose, fructose, sucrose, aspartame and agave syrup.

"Agavins are not expensive and they have no known side effects, except for those few people who cannot tolerate them," Lopez continued, adding that much like other fructans, agavins are comprised of fructose. Fructose contributes to healthy microbe growth in the mouth and intestines. Because fructans are linked together in long, branched chains, they can't affect blood sugar the way high fructose corn syrup does. 

Agavins are occasionally confused with agave nectar or agave syrup, both of which are health-food store shelf staples. However, these products feature individually broken-down fructans, making them similar to high-fructose corn syrup.

Lopez also notes that agavins are better than artificial sweeteners, as the latter are absorbed by the body, resulting in side effects such as headaches. Artificial sweeteners have also been linked to weight gain among other adverse health effects, including increased risk of cardiovascular disease and diabetes.

"One slight downside, however, is that agavins are not quite as sweet as their artificial counterparts," she said.

Paris (AFP) - The Burmese python has a built-in compass that allows it to slither home in a near-straight line even if released dozens of kilometres away, researchers said Wednesday.

Capable of growing over five metres (16 feet) long, pythons are among the world's largest snakes. Although native to South and Southeast Asia, the snakes have taken up residence in South Florida's Everglades National Park, possibly after being released as unwanted pets.

They have adapted so well to their new habitat that they now pose a serious threat to several species which they hunt as prey.

Scientists captured six of the pythons in the Everglades, placed them in sealed, plastic containers, and drove them to locations between 21 and 36 kilometres (13-22 miles) away.

They implanted radio trackers in the animals and followed their movements with GPS readings from a small fixed-wing plane -- measuring their direction and speed.

All the snakes immediately oriented themselves towards the place where they were captured, with five of the six returning to within five kilometres (three miles) of that spot.

The sixth veered somewhat off course as it was nearing its destination.

The snakes travelled between 94 and 296 days, displaying "high motivation to reach home locations", according to the study, published in the Royal Society journal Biology Letters.

"This study provides evidence that Burmese pythons have navigational map and compass senses," the authors wrote.

No other snake species has yet been shown to possess a similar homing ability.

Such navigational skills suggest the python has a razor-sharp sense of territoriality. This could help combat the species in places where it is unwanted by predicting where the snake is likely to spread. 

Burmese pythons eat everything from tiny birds to deer and even alligators. They swallow their food whole.


Associated Press

The hunt has major ramifications for Beijing, which has been rapidly improving its military while aggressively challenging neighbors over territorial disputes. Washington is looking to prove it's still the top dog to allies worried about how seriously it takes the threat China poses to the Pacific status quo.

So far, neither country has come up with anything significant. But they have been vigorously waving their flags.

China has the most at stake and has been taking an unusually high-profile role. Almost immediately after Malaysia Airlines Flight 370 disappeared March 8, China dispatched its largest-ever rescue flotilla to the initial search area in the South China Sea, which Beijing considers its own backyard.

Beijing sent four warships and five coast guard and civilian patrol service vessels, along with helicopters and fixed-wing surveillance aircraft. Among the warships are two of China's largest and most advanced amphibious docking ships. The 20,000-ton vessels are equipped with helicopters and a range of small boats, including up to four hovercrafts.

"On the one hand, China is simply doing its duty in orchestration with other countries," said Ni Lexiong, a military expert at Shanghai's University of Political Science and Law. "On the other hand, this operation offers an opportunity to assess the Chinese navy's willpower, efficiency and ability to carry out operations far from home, especially in comparison with the U.S."

Fresh off a massive relief effort after Typhoon Haiyan devastated the Philippines — which China barely got involved in — the U.S. was once again quick to respond. Within days, the Navy had two destroyers in the South China Sea participating in the search, the USS Kidd and the USS Pinckney. Both are both based in San Diego but were training in the area when the jet disappeared.

Since the flight was bound for Beijing and two-thirds of the passengers were Chinese, the public expects the government and military to pull out all the stops. With more Chinese traveling abroad than ever — 100 million last year, more than double the figure for 2009 — they are increasingly reliant on their government to assist and protect them when overseas, and they are looking for proof that it can fulfill that role. 

National prestige is also a huge factor.

Though the U.S. remains the dominant power in the Pacific, China deeply craves that role. Sizable chunks of its defense spending, which has grown significantly over the past two decades to $131 billion, have been devoted to boosting its ability to project force for both military and humanitarian missions.

China's Achilles' heel is its relative lack of experience, not having fought in a major conflict since the end of the Korean War in 1953. Its leaders have been trying to compensate with more realistic training scenarios, including joint maritime search and rescue exercises with other nations.

Everyone understands, without anything being said, that the U.S. has unmatched search and rescue capabilities that reflect the size and sophistication of its air and naval forces," said Avery Goldstein, a China security expert at the University of Pennsylvania. "China's capabilities in this regard are improving but not yet in the same league, especially for operations at great distance from the Chinese mainland."

Given new clues from radar and satellite data that the missing Boeing 777 turned west and flew on for several more hours, the search has shifted to a vast swath of land and sea stretching from the southern Indian Ocean up to Kazakhstan. That's an area that neither China nor the U.S. has traditionally put much emphasis on, and has forced both to rethink their strategies.

The U.S. Navy decided that long-range naval aircraft were a more efficient way to search such a vast area, so will be relying on P-3 and P-8 planes, while the two destroyers go back to normal duties.

The mission is one of the first on the international stage for the P-8 Poseidon, one of the newest additions to the Navy's air capabilities. The Navy touts the aircraft as the world's most advanced anti-submarine and anti-surface ship reconnaissance plane and says it can cover 15,000 square miles (38,850 square kilometers) in a nine-hour flight.

China, meanwhile, has sent most of its ships involved in the search toward Singapore, where they will split into two groups, one traveling north and the other south. They will be searching two huge blocks of ocean off the coast of Sumatra and near the Andaman Islands — a total area of 300,000 square kilometers (186,000 square miles), or roughly three times the area they searched in the South China Sea.

A big problem for China is its bad blood with virtually all of its neighbors, many of whom are key players in the search. China has territorial disputes with India, Japan, the Philippines and Vietnam, and many other countries in the region are wary of its efforts to exert more control over Pacific shipping lanes that could impact their freedom of trade.

"China is strong in terms of hardware, but it lacks experience and good security ties with regional states," said China expert Li Mingjiang at Singapore Nanyang Technological University. "The U.S. sailors have far better networking with their regional counterparts, making it more possible for the U.S. to play a leading role in the search and rescue effort."

Chinese officials haven't done themselves any favors by criticizing Malaysia's leadership in the search effort. Some saw that as an attempt to shift public attention away from its own shortcomings, and Beijing's weak military-to-military relationship with Malaysia probably exacerbated the issue.

Japan, which is Washington's staunchest ally in Asia and is locked in a tense dispute with China over several small islands, has been watching Beijing's response especially closely. Experts in Tokyo say that while they remain skeptical, there is hope that by coming together with other countries to pursue a common goal, China may learn to work more amiably with its neighbors.

"Some people say China is trying to use the mission as a way to show off its presence, but that also means they are stepping up their efforts and capabilities in disaster relief," said Kyouji Yanagisawa, a former Japanese Cabinet adviser on national security. "This is a search operation and I think it could be an opportunity to cultivate trust among participating countries, rather than conflict."

Saturday, March 1, 2014


But like international travelers anywhere, foreigners visiting the United States from other countries can be flummoxed by some of what they encounter. Fortunately, their fellow travelers have plenty of advice. The picture they paint portrays Americans as relentlessly cheerful yet sensitive folks who just might raid your fridge.

What outsiders say about the U.S. will strike an American as very true, very strange, or both. Here (with some help from Google Translate) are some travel advice gems from around the world.

(Photo by Ian Waldie/Getty Images)

From Latin America:
It’s probably best not to drink the water. “There are strict laws regarding Hygiene eating places that must be met, so that restaurants and even street stalls are safe. In some areas you can take the tap water. Bottled water is available everywhere and is most recommended.”

From Germany:
Americans’ social boundaries are very inconsistent. “Things like “We should get together sometime” doesn’t really mean anything, unless the same people keep mentioning it to you."
“During a party at your house, don’t be surprised if Americans will just walk up to your fridge and help themselves.”

From Switzerland:
Forget public nudity, intoxication or urination. "The legal system can be very different from one state to another and is often inspired by moral principles stiffer than in Switzerland. For example it is forbidden to bathe topless or without shirt (kids), urinate on public roads or photograph partially unclothed children (even at home). It is forbidden for people under 21 to drink alcohol. Similarly, people who drink alcohol in public or carry alcoholic beverages without concealing from the eyes are guilty of an offense."

From France:
Do take a road trip across the West, but don’t be weird about American Indians or cops. “Do not miss and be certain to visit driving in a country that venerates it, but scrupulously respect the speed limits, the constabulary of the United States not kidding ... Remember that Indian reserves in the western United States are economic and human realities, not museums."

(Photo by Matthew J. Lee/The Boston Globe via Getty Images)

From Italy:
Tipping is fraught with misunderstanding. Q. Is it true that I have to "force" to tip at all? A. It is not mandatory to tip, however, it is strongly recommended, because in many cases it is the only entry of workers. Generally in a restaurant, in the cab, and in many places where there is a service gratuity is 15%. Since the bill that will take you specify the city tax of 8.875%, is sufficient to double that sum, without bothering to do the calculations. In the hotel you leave two dollars per day per person cleaning. Obviously you do not leave tips in places like McDonalds or Starbucks.”

From Australia:
You will probably get sucked into a political discussion. “Americans are REALLY opinionated. And they want to know what you think about the government, about politics, about current issues. A typical conversation might go like this: ‘Hi I’m Matt. Nice to meet you.’ ‘The name’s Bob. Where you from Matt?’ ‘Sydney, Australia.’ ‘Oh I see. You’ve come a long way. So what’s your take on Obamacare?’”

Did we mention the violence of U.S. toilets? “A veritable swimming pool of water greets you when you open the toilet lid and when you flush, it all goes down the drain in a huge rotating whirlpool.”

(Photo by Paul Marotta/Getty Images) 

From the UK:
America might give you fever. “There are occasional outbreaks of mosquito-borne diseases, including West Nile virus, eastern equine encephalitis and dengue fever.”

Americans are proud of their Old World connections, no matter how tenuous. “When an American announces that they’re part Irish, part Polish and part Moldovan because their great-great-grandparents hailed from these far-off lands, you might find yourself snorting dismissively. Try to hold off until they’re out of earshot.”

From India:
The U.S. doesn’t offer much in terms of shopping. “Based on my experience everyone need to bring almost every basic thing you need on a daily basis.”

From China:
Americans love to follow rules, even when no one is looking. “Americans are such strict rule followers. I witnessed this once sitting on the sidelines of a high school dodge ball game. To me, it was goofy, a little violent, and very American. It struck me that my classmates followed the rules of the game so strictly. Even when no one noticed that a person had been hit and he could have kept playing, he voluntarily gave himself up and left the game. I was deeply impressed by how much people honored the rules even when they are not seen."

From Russia (via Mental Floss):
Gifts are not a big deal. And did you know bribery was illegal? “Gifts: Americans do not expect them. On the contrary, an unexpected gift while conducting business can put an American in an awkward position. Such things for Americans suggest reciprocity.

“Business gifts in the U.S. are not acceptable. Moreover, they often cause suspicion. Americans fear that they could be construed as a bribe, and in the United States that is strictly punishable by law.”

(Photo by Jason Kempin/WireImage)

Socializing with Americans can be tricky. Sports help. “Showing up at a business associate’s home uninvited in the United States is not acceptable. You may be invited to a picnic — if you’ve known each other for several years and are social outside the office.

"As a rule, the invitation will be only on a weekend, and you don’t have to prepare for something extravagant. Everything is the same as ours, only with far less booze. Bring something sporty — ball, badminton, Americans are certainly fervent fans of these things.”

"Phone etiquette in America usually involves the gradual end of the conversation, confirmation agreements and standard closing remarks. By the way, 'see you later' should not be taken literally. That is a courtesy, and no more... Russian conversational patterns often sound harsh to Americans. Statements such as, 'You’re wrong,' can be offensive. This can be interpreted as 'You are telling lies!' Therefore it is better to say, 'I do not think I can agree with this.'"

(Photo by Chris Trotman/Getty Images)

Americans really are as cheerful as they seem. “Americans and Russians say different things when faced with the same situation. Seeing the man who had fallen in the street, an American asks, 'Are you all right?' Russians will inquire: 'Are you ill?' We see a victim of the incident; they see survivors. Survivors are perceived as heroes. Where we 'aren’t sick,' they 'stay well.' We discuss the problem. They discuss issues and items on the agenda."

“Americans: they are a nation that truly feels happy. These people get used to smiling from the cradle onwards, so they do not pretend to be cheerful. The desire for a successful happy life is inculcated from childhood.”

The women are a little uptight, and they don't appreciate chivalry. “US etiquette prohibits flirting with a woman who is not your girlfriend or wife. If you are not acquainted with a woman, whether she be in a restaurant, on the street, or on the subway, do not look at her legs, etc. Americans could easily call the police on you, even for just ogling her.”

“Welcome and introductions: men and women tend to shake hands. Mutual kissing and kissing ladies' hands is not accepted. Also, women play a greater role in business. Often they insist to be treated exactly as an equal and not as a lady. In this regard, it is not acceptable to be excessively gallant, and you should avoid personal questions (do not find out whether she is married).”

(Photo by Nikki Kahn/The Washington Post via Getty  Images)

American food is not subtle. American food is about big, bold taste, and is indifferent to subtleties. Hence "hidden ingredients" are seldom seen.  Sugar, salt, pepper, oils, and routine spices are used for family meals. There is no such thing as purely U.S. cuisine, except the hamburger, which isn’t made at home so much. There is no such thing as purely U.S. cuisine, except for maybe the hamburger, and not many varieties that can be cooked at home. There’s not much emphasis on seasonal foods. Basically, they like sweet tasting foods, as well as foods that are high in fat and calories.

Watch out where you wear hip-hop clothes. “In Japan, hip hop clothes are considered stylish. But in the United States, it is wise to avoid them, as you might be mistaken for a member of a street gang. 

Nobody is impressed by how much you can drink.“In the U.S., they do not have a sense of pride if they drink a large amount. Rather, if you drink a lot, there is a sense that you cannot manage yourself, and you can lose respect from those around you. Being drunk doesn't excuse your actions, and to drink alcohol habitually is a sign of alcoholism. Alcoholics are seen as mentally weak, and are ostracized by society due to their inability to have self control."

(Photo by Michael N. Todaro/Getty Images)

They tend to laugh out loud, even the women. It’s how they show they’re honest. “In Japan, when most woman laugh, they place their hand over their lips so it does not show their mouth. It is disgraceful to laugh by loudly opening the mouth. In reality, many adult males do not laugh. There is the saying, ‘A man should not show his teeth so much when laughing.’

“In America, when men or women laugh, they do not turn away. In general, they face front, open the mouth, and laugh in a loud voice. This is because in America if you muffle your laugh or turn away while laughing, you give the impression that you are talking about a secret or name-calling. It comes across as vulgar and insidious. ”